What is SBNP Platform ?

SBNP is an abbreviation of School-based Nutrition Promotion. The SBNP Platform is a knowledge management program related to the SBNP Indonesian Working Group which was initiated by SEAMEO RECFON and various institutions in Indonesia to discuss school-based nutrition promotion activities. One of the activities is developing SBNP platform as a means to share information related to nutrition promotion activities in Southeast Asia.

SBNP Platform in the form of a website with the address http://sbnp.seameo-recfon.org. Currently, the SBNP Platform is still in the stage of developing and collecting SBNP tools from parties or agencies that are willing to use this platform as a means of sharing information and publications about school-based nutrition promotion activities that they have developed and implemented. This website is managed by SEAMEO RECFON with support from GAIN Indonesia.

The SBNP Story

  • 8 August 2017

    Workshop SEA SBNP | Attended by 55 Indonesian Participants & 9 SEA Participants
  • 30-31 August 2018

    Workshop of SBNP Indonesia | Agreed on establishment of 3 Sub-Working Group | Agreed on proposed activities 2018-2021
  • 15 February 2019

    Cooperation Agreement SEAMEO RECFON and GAIN | Compiling and disseminating information of SBNP in Indonesia
  • 14-15 March 2019

    Workshop establishment of SEA SBNP Working Group | Agreed on major plans
  • 20 June 2020

    Workshop Penulisan Manuskrip di Surabaya
  • 17-18 October 2019

    Workshop Penulisan Manuskrip Perseiapan Penerbitan Jurnal Promosi Gizi berbasis Sekolah dan Penyusunan Buku Kompilasi Kegiatan SBNP | Pertemuan Anggota SBNP Working Group Indonesia
  • 3 September 2020

    Talkshow Kegiatan Promosi Gizi Berbasis Sekolah (School Based Nutrition Promotion/SBNP) dan Launching SBNP Platform dan Buku Kompilasi SBNP